Charter Support

The most professional and responsive ground security coordinator and security screening personnel available to private charter operators.

Who We Are

Built over decades of knowledge and the experience of the PCS Charter Management Team, our Private Charter clients are never more confident that their passengers will experience a seamless security process than when they work with our unmatched team of PCS security screening professionals.

A New Level of Professionalism & Service



Professionally Trained and Certified Staff

GSC Staff Support

Support Throughout the United States

Private Screener Services

Charter Support Services – Resource Management


Services Offered Nationwide

We provide private security services nationwide, recruiting PCS contractors or third-party vendors when needed.


Our primary focus is providing your VIP passengers top-notch professional and courteous security staff. 


We audit every security vendor to ensure all training and regulatory document requirements are met.


Our goal is to develop long-term relationships with our clients.